Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1. How did I get here?

So I figured I would share a bit about me for those of you who don't know my personal story or even those of you who do.
First off let me say that I have struggled with my weight most of my life. My family doesn't have the best eating habits and many of them struggle with weight as well.
I was a pretty big baby and child I towered over other kids most of my life. I am unsure if it was the steroids to treat my asthma or if it was truly the hand I was dealt. Surely it couldn't have been all the mac N cheese and hot dogs I was fed as a child. ;-)
Anyway, as an early teenager I was a bit overweight...nothing major. I swore I was HUGE but looking back...I was actually pretty average.

Anyway, I started psych meds at age 14 which made weight gain super easy. At age 15 I was wearing a size 20. I do not have many pictures from this time as I honestly didn't care about myself and was in and out of group homes.

I was about a size 22 at age 16 and that is where my eating disorders truly kicked in. I started learning more and more about not eating. Age 17 I was full fledged anorexic. I started starving myself and by 18 I was pretty close to as thin as I wanted to be.

At age 20 I moved to Missouri to be with my "love" cough cough... anyway, and I began to have issues with my ovaries.

By age 21 I was back in a size 22. I had gained 100lbs in less than a year and was eventually in a size 26. At this time I was about 160lbs over weight.
I had a baby, broke up with my "love", and went through some crazy changes over the next couple of years which brings me to age

The od thing is is that during these last few CRAZY years I have come to love myself more then EVER before. I LOVE curvy, beautiful, smart, kind, sexy Tabatha. I am ok being single. Ok being ME.

So, why the surgery?
Well, PCOS caused my left ovaries to be removed and I want to keep my other one.
Of course there is also the risk of Diabetes, Heart issues, and DEATH. I am a 27 year old single mother. I need my life back. 2 years of meal plans and diets failed with the help of doctors because of PCOS.
I just want to be able to go on hikes, walks, swims, and chase my daughter around the park. I want to live healthy and happy for a long LONG time.
She has me...that is it..just ME and risking my life every day I stay morbidly obese is pure craziness.

So, I am going to keep a blog, update it often during this process, and tell everyone the truth about me and what I am going through on the inside and outside during this medical change in my life.

I will share more stories of my past as well in this blog. Different meal plans, eating disorder struggles, and my research on the Gastric Bypass.

Anyway, Thanks for reading!

Pic 1- Age 14
Pic 2-age 18 with my little sister
Pic 3- Roughly age 20/21 with my mother
Pic 4- 2 years ago on Halloween age 25

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