Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 14th was the big day...

Here I sit about 4 days post op hating my stomach. In all honesty it is not that bad. I just find it such a pain to keep up with drinking enough to stay hydrated but know quickly when I get behind on liquid intake due to the head ache I get. Surgery went pretty well. I left my home around 520am to head out on our four hour drive to the hospital. I decided to take medical transport and they decided to get me to the hospital almost 4 hrs early so they could take another person on our way...after sitting in the waiting room for what seemed like ever I had Tasha(the friend who took my journey with me) take a picture of me post last fattie picture before the big moment.

While we were waiting a woman was waiting for her mother to come out of surgery. Apparently she had her surgery at 730am, it was now about 1230, and her mom was throwing up blood since it was so soon after surgery they decided to take her back into surgery and figure out what was going on....all I could think was how I wasn't sure if I should go through with this surgery after all. The doc doing my surgery was different then her doctor and I quickly got over the fear once I remembered how long it took me to get to this day.

It was not long after that last picture that I got taken to my pre op dressing room to start my ivs and get the first of many martinis in my veins.

Didn't I look fancy in my gown?

I was back for surgery around 1-1:30 and after an hour I was done. Apparently things went very smooth and very well....I was pretty shocked since I had cheated on my pre op liquid diet. I could not say no my last taco so soon...hahaha

This is a picture I guess Tasha took of me in recovery. My tummy was full of air by this time and I was higher than a kite.

I stayed two nights in the hospital and took a 4 hour drive home Thursday. Today, Saturday the 18h, I noticed I was almost out of pain meds. Upon reading what they had given me I realized that they gave me the wrong script. Since my pain has been pretty bad I called and was told they could mail me via SNAIL MAIL the right script to my house and it would get here Wed. They are currently working on other options....Argh. I have been able to take a walk daily around my building and I do try and take at least three trips up and down my stairs daily.
I have not missed food too much except tacos. I know some day I will get a taco again and I will brag about it for weeks. Until then it is protein shakes and water.
My friend is bringing me some popsicles and jello which sounds exciting.

Wondering what the damage was as far as cutting?
Here is a picture a few hours after surgery... keep in mind I was still full of air.

....and here is one more still full of air but one day post op. 5 little holes that feel like huge slices are all it took. There are two a little closer together on the left side (my left) that feel the worst. I am pretty sure that is where most of the work was done.

I am planing on taking as many pictures as I can during my journey down the scale.
I still almost can not believe I am here already. I couldn't have done it without the village of friends who have been there to help me with anything and everything I ask for.
So far the best advice I have is make sure you have the right pain medication upon leaving the hospital and enough of it, do not take a four hour car ride home from the hospital 2 days post op, and take advantage of the help that is offered.

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